09-10 10:55 AM
:D I am with you. But [QUOTE=gaz;287130] These also coincide with the centers of tremendous progress and huge purchase power for people. Huge purchasing power of people in india? Please read analysis on page 4. Their PPP is just $3300. GDP is between $700 jump to $2500
Smaller cities also have a hike in prices but nothing comparable. So the average Indian does not really get affected a lot. The average city dweller is either renting by paying a ton of money or is spending a ton of money for a house. Scary thing is either ways they are able to afford it. :D:D:D High rent and High living cost is the effect on average folks
Makes the US salary seem meaningless in comparison(comparing quality of life here and not just money). I am not convinced about this. Actually infrastructure setup in US is way beyond what we can expect in India. That adds to quality of life to great extent.
Smaller cities also have a hike in prices but nothing comparable. So the average Indian does not really get affected a lot. The average city dweller is either renting by paying a ton of money or is spending a ton of money for a house. Scary thing is either ways they are able to afford it. :D:D:D High rent and High living cost is the effect on average folks
Makes the US salary seem meaningless in comparison(comparing quality of life here and not just money). I am not convinced about this. Actually infrastructure setup in US is way beyond what we can expect in India. That adds to quality of life to great extent.
wallpaper usiness letter format

08-12 10:55 AM
Senate Passage of Border Security Legislation
August 12, 2010
Today, I come to the floor to seek unanimous consent to pass a smart, tough, and effective $600 million bill that will significantly enhance the security and integrity of our nation’s southern border—which currently lacks the resources needed to fully combat the drug smugglers, gun-runners, human-traffickers, money launderers and other organized criminals that seek to do harm to innocent Americans along our border….
The best part of this border package, Mr. President, is that it is fully paid for and does not increase the deficit by a single penny. In actuality, the Congressional Budget Office has determined that this bill will yield a direct savings to taxpayers of $50 million….
The emergency border funds we are passing today are fully paid for by assessing fees on certain types of companies who hire foreign workers using certain types of visas in a way that Congress did not intend. I want to take a moment to explain exactly what we are doing in this bill a little further because I want everyone to clearly understand how these offsets are designed.
In 1990, Congress realized that the world was changing rapidly and that technological innovations like the internet were creating a high demand in the United States for high-tech workers to create new technologies and products. Consequently, Congress created the H-1B visa program to allow U.S. employers to hire foreign tech workers in special circumstances when they could not find an American citizen who was qualified for the job.
Many of the companies that use this program today are using the program in the exact way Congress intended. That is, these companies (like Microsoft, IBM, and Intel) are hiring bright foreign students educated in our American universities to work in the U.S. for 6 or 7 years to invent new product lines and technologies so that Microsoft, IBM, and Intel can sell more products to the American public. Then—at the expiration of the H-1B visa period—these companies apply for these talented workers to earn green cards and stay with the company.
When the H-1B visa program is used in this manner, it is a good program for everyone involved. It is good for the company. It is good for the worker. And it is good for the American people who benefit from the products and jobs created by the innovation of the H-1B visa holder.
Every day, companies like Oracle, Cisco, Apple and others use the H-1B visa program in the exact way I have just described—and their use of the program has greatly benefitted this country.
But recently, some companies have decided to exploit an unintended loophole in the H-1B visa program to use the program in a manner that many in Congress, including myself, do not believe is consistent with the program’s intent.
Rather than being a company that makes something, and simply needs to bring in a talented foreign worker to help innovate and create new products and technologies—these other companies are essentially creating “multinational temp agencies” that were never contemplated when the H-1B program was created.
The business model of these newer companies is not to make any new products or technologies like Microsoft or Apple does. Instead, their business model is to bring foreign tech workers into the United States who are willing to accept less pay than their American counterparts, place these workers into other companies in exchange for a “consulting fee,” and transfer these workers from company to company in order to maximize profits from placement fees. In other words, these companies are petitioning for foreign workers simply to then turn around and provide these same workers to other companies who need cheap labor for various short term projects.
Don’t take my word for it. If you look at the marketing materials of some of the companies that fall within the scope covered by today’s legislation, their materials boast about their “outsourcing expertise” and say that their advantage is their ability to conduct what they call “labor arbitrage” which is—in their own words—“transferring work functions to a lower cost environment for increased savings.”
The business model used by these companies within the United States is creating three major negative side effects. First, it is ruining the reputation of the H-1B program, which is overwhelmingly used by good actors for beneficial purposes. Second, according to the Economic Policy institute, it is lowering the wages for American tech workers already in the marketplace. Third, it is also discouraging many of our smartest students from entering the technology industry in the first place. Students can see that paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for advanced schooling is not worth the cost when the market is being flooded with foreign temporary workers willing to do tech-work for far less pay because their foreign education was much cheaper and they intend to move back home when their visa expires to a country where the cost of living is far less expensive.
This type of use of the H-1B visa program will be addressed as part of comprehensive immigration reform and will likely be dramatically restricted. We will be reforming the legal immigration system to encourage the world’s best and brightest individuals to come to the United States and create the new technologies and businesses that will employ countless American workers, but will discourage businesses from using our immigration laws as a means to obtain temporary and less-expensive foreign labor to replace capable American workers.
Nevertheless, I do wish to clarify a previous mischaracterization of these firms, where I labeled them as “chop shops.” That statement was incorrect, and I wish to acknowledge that. In the tech industry, these firms are sometimes known as “body shops” and that’s what I should have said.
While I strongly oppose the manner in which these firms are using the H-1B visa to accomplish objectives that Congress never intended, it would be unfortunate if anyone concluded from my remarks that these firms are engaging in illegal behavior.
But I also want to make clear that the purpose of this fee is not to target businesses from any particular country. Many news articles have reported that the only companies that will be affected by this fee are companies based in India and that, ipso facto, the purpose of this legislation must be to target Indian IT companies.
Well, it is simply untrue that the purpose of this legislation is to target Indian companies. We are simply raising fees for businesses who use the H-1B visa to do things that are contrary to the program’s original intent.
Visa fees will only increase for companies with more than 50 workers who continue to employ more than 50 percent of their employees through the H-1B program. Congress does not want the H-1B visa program to be a vehicle for creating multinational temp agencies where workers do not know what projects they will be working on—or what cities they will be working in—when they enter the country.
The fee is based solely upon the business model of the company, not the location of the company.
If you are using the H-1B visa to innovate new products and technologies for your own company to sell, that is a good thing regardless of whether the company was originally founded in India, Ireland, or Indiana.
But if you are using the H-1B visa to run a glorified international temp agency for tech workers in contravention of the spirit of the program, I and my colleagues believe that you should have to pay a higher fee to ensure that American workers are not losing their jobs because of unintended uses of the visa program that were never contemplated when the program was created.
This belief is consistent regardless of whether the company using these staffing practices was founded in Bangalore, Beijing, or Boston.
Raising the fees for companies hiring more than 50 percent of their workforce through foreign visas will accomplish two important goals. First, it will provide the necessary funds to secure our border without raising taxes or adding to the deficit. Second, it will level the playing field for American workers so that they do not lose out on good jobs here in America because it is cheaper to bring in a foreign worker rather than hire an American worker.
Let me tell you what objective folks around the world are saying about the impact of this fee increase. In an August 6, 2010, Wall Street Journal article, Avinash Vashistha—the CEO of a Bangalore based off-shoring advisory consulting firm—told the Journal that the new fee in this bill “would accelerate Indian firms’ plans to hire more American-born workers in the U.S.” What’s wrong with that? In an August 7, 2010 Economic Times Article, Jeya Kumar, a CEO of a top IT company, said that this bill would “erode cost arbitrage and cause a change in the operational model of Indian offshore providers.”
The leaders of this business model are agreeing that our bill will make it more expensive to bring in foreign tech workers to compete with American tech workers for jobs here in America. That means these companies are going to start having to hire U.S. tech workers again.
So Mr. President, this bill is not only a responsible border security bill, it has the dual advantage of creating more high-paying American jobs.
Finally, Mr. President, I want to be clear about one other thing. Even though passing this bill will secure our border, I again say that the only way to fully restore the rule of law to our entire immigration system is by passing comprehensive immigration reform….
The urgency for immigration reform cannot be overstated because it is so overdue. The time for excuses is now over, it is now time to get to work.
August 12, 2010
Today, I come to the floor to seek unanimous consent to pass a smart, tough, and effective $600 million bill that will significantly enhance the security and integrity of our nation’s southern border—which currently lacks the resources needed to fully combat the drug smugglers, gun-runners, human-traffickers, money launderers and other organized criminals that seek to do harm to innocent Americans along our border….
The best part of this border package, Mr. President, is that it is fully paid for and does not increase the deficit by a single penny. In actuality, the Congressional Budget Office has determined that this bill will yield a direct savings to taxpayers of $50 million….
The emergency border funds we are passing today are fully paid for by assessing fees on certain types of companies who hire foreign workers using certain types of visas in a way that Congress did not intend. I want to take a moment to explain exactly what we are doing in this bill a little further because I want everyone to clearly understand how these offsets are designed.
In 1990, Congress realized that the world was changing rapidly and that technological innovations like the internet were creating a high demand in the United States for high-tech workers to create new technologies and products. Consequently, Congress created the H-1B visa program to allow U.S. employers to hire foreign tech workers in special circumstances when they could not find an American citizen who was qualified for the job.
Many of the companies that use this program today are using the program in the exact way Congress intended. That is, these companies (like Microsoft, IBM, and Intel) are hiring bright foreign students educated in our American universities to work in the U.S. for 6 or 7 years to invent new product lines and technologies so that Microsoft, IBM, and Intel can sell more products to the American public. Then—at the expiration of the H-1B visa period—these companies apply for these talented workers to earn green cards and stay with the company.
When the H-1B visa program is used in this manner, it is a good program for everyone involved. It is good for the company. It is good for the worker. And it is good for the American people who benefit from the products and jobs created by the innovation of the H-1B visa holder.
Every day, companies like Oracle, Cisco, Apple and others use the H-1B visa program in the exact way I have just described—and their use of the program has greatly benefitted this country.
But recently, some companies have decided to exploit an unintended loophole in the H-1B visa program to use the program in a manner that many in Congress, including myself, do not believe is consistent with the program’s intent.
Rather than being a company that makes something, and simply needs to bring in a talented foreign worker to help innovate and create new products and technologies—these other companies are essentially creating “multinational temp agencies” that were never contemplated when the H-1B program was created.
The business model of these newer companies is not to make any new products or technologies like Microsoft or Apple does. Instead, their business model is to bring foreign tech workers into the United States who are willing to accept less pay than their American counterparts, place these workers into other companies in exchange for a “consulting fee,” and transfer these workers from company to company in order to maximize profits from placement fees. In other words, these companies are petitioning for foreign workers simply to then turn around and provide these same workers to other companies who need cheap labor for various short term projects.
Don’t take my word for it. If you look at the marketing materials of some of the companies that fall within the scope covered by today’s legislation, their materials boast about their “outsourcing expertise” and say that their advantage is their ability to conduct what they call “labor arbitrage” which is—in their own words—“transferring work functions to a lower cost environment for increased savings.”
The business model used by these companies within the United States is creating three major negative side effects. First, it is ruining the reputation of the H-1B program, which is overwhelmingly used by good actors for beneficial purposes. Second, according to the Economic Policy institute, it is lowering the wages for American tech workers already in the marketplace. Third, it is also discouraging many of our smartest students from entering the technology industry in the first place. Students can see that paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for advanced schooling is not worth the cost when the market is being flooded with foreign temporary workers willing to do tech-work for far less pay because their foreign education was much cheaper and they intend to move back home when their visa expires to a country where the cost of living is far less expensive.
This type of use of the H-1B visa program will be addressed as part of comprehensive immigration reform and will likely be dramatically restricted. We will be reforming the legal immigration system to encourage the world’s best and brightest individuals to come to the United States and create the new technologies and businesses that will employ countless American workers, but will discourage businesses from using our immigration laws as a means to obtain temporary and less-expensive foreign labor to replace capable American workers.
Nevertheless, I do wish to clarify a previous mischaracterization of these firms, where I labeled them as “chop shops.” That statement was incorrect, and I wish to acknowledge that. In the tech industry, these firms are sometimes known as “body shops” and that’s what I should have said.
While I strongly oppose the manner in which these firms are using the H-1B visa to accomplish objectives that Congress never intended, it would be unfortunate if anyone concluded from my remarks that these firms are engaging in illegal behavior.
But I also want to make clear that the purpose of this fee is not to target businesses from any particular country. Many news articles have reported that the only companies that will be affected by this fee are companies based in India and that, ipso facto, the purpose of this legislation must be to target Indian IT companies.
Well, it is simply untrue that the purpose of this legislation is to target Indian companies. We are simply raising fees for businesses who use the H-1B visa to do things that are contrary to the program’s original intent.
Visa fees will only increase for companies with more than 50 workers who continue to employ more than 50 percent of their employees through the H-1B program. Congress does not want the H-1B visa program to be a vehicle for creating multinational temp agencies where workers do not know what projects they will be working on—or what cities they will be working in—when they enter the country.
The fee is based solely upon the business model of the company, not the location of the company.
If you are using the H-1B visa to innovate new products and technologies for your own company to sell, that is a good thing regardless of whether the company was originally founded in India, Ireland, or Indiana.
But if you are using the H-1B visa to run a glorified international temp agency for tech workers in contravention of the spirit of the program, I and my colleagues believe that you should have to pay a higher fee to ensure that American workers are not losing their jobs because of unintended uses of the visa program that were never contemplated when the program was created.
This belief is consistent regardless of whether the company using these staffing practices was founded in Bangalore, Beijing, or Boston.
Raising the fees for companies hiring more than 50 percent of their workforce through foreign visas will accomplish two important goals. First, it will provide the necessary funds to secure our border without raising taxes or adding to the deficit. Second, it will level the playing field for American workers so that they do not lose out on good jobs here in America because it is cheaper to bring in a foreign worker rather than hire an American worker.
Let me tell you what objective folks around the world are saying about the impact of this fee increase. In an August 6, 2010, Wall Street Journal article, Avinash Vashistha—the CEO of a Bangalore based off-shoring advisory consulting firm—told the Journal that the new fee in this bill “would accelerate Indian firms’ plans to hire more American-born workers in the U.S.” What’s wrong with that? In an August 7, 2010 Economic Times Article, Jeya Kumar, a CEO of a top IT company, said that this bill would “erode cost arbitrage and cause a change in the operational model of Indian offshore providers.”
The leaders of this business model are agreeing that our bill will make it more expensive to bring in foreign tech workers to compete with American tech workers for jobs here in America. That means these companies are going to start having to hire U.S. tech workers again.
So Mr. President, this bill is not only a responsible border security bill, it has the dual advantage of creating more high-paying American jobs.
Finally, Mr. President, I want to be clear about one other thing. Even though passing this bill will secure our border, I again say that the only way to fully restore the rule of law to our entire immigration system is by passing comprehensive immigration reform….
The urgency for immigration reform cannot be overstated because it is so overdue. The time for excuses is now over, it is now time to get to work.

08-10 01:46 PM
Did you file concurrent?
Its random at best then anything else. According to my lawyer, my application (EB2) was there July 2nd morning.
Its random at best then anything else. According to my lawyer, my application (EB2) was there July 2nd morning.
2011 mrms name mla usiness letter oct Mla+usiness+letter+format+example

07-20 02:27 PM
this is not over
this might just be an opening salvo.
these things usually get negotiated behind the scenes.
things of note in this event:
1. we garnered 55 votes in support, in any up and down vote we win.
2. Durbin was the man again...that derailed us.
this might just be an opening salvo.
these things usually get negotiated behind the scenes.
things of note in this event:
1. we garnered 55 votes in support, in any up and down vote we win.
2. Durbin was the man again...that derailed us.
05-15 10:58 AM
When the USCIS is doing mistake, we need to ask for fee waiver. If they are nog giving, we should not hesitate to take them to court and make them pay for it. Even one time if we can succeed it will make all the difference.
Ok - any ideas how we can ask? What fee waiver are we asking for?
We need to understand if there is a system in place for fee waiver?
To get any favourable thing like getting fee back and such things, first thing is that they have to officially accept that they are doing this and that is the most difficult part. You cannot get them to talk so easily.
Breaking the law is not acceptable - it can be from all sides, but when you deal with govt agency - it is not easy - there is a lot of beurocracy associated and it is not that easy as we all think it is.
I understand the frustration among the community - but we must all collective channelize our frustratons into something constructive, positive and effective.
thats why we need innovative ideas to deal with this.
Come on EB2, EB3 - US MAsters, US Phds, EB1s , scientists, doctors, engineers, consultants, and all those ivy leagures - can you use your IQ and brains to help wiith these issues? Please post some ideas here.
Ok - any ideas how we can ask? What fee waiver are we asking for?
We need to understand if there is a system in place for fee waiver?
To get any favourable thing like getting fee back and such things, first thing is that they have to officially accept that they are doing this and that is the most difficult part. You cannot get them to talk so easily.
Breaking the law is not acceptable - it can be from all sides, but when you deal with govt agency - it is not easy - there is a lot of beurocracy associated and it is not that easy as we all think it is.
I understand the frustration among the community - but we must all collective channelize our frustratons into something constructive, positive and effective.
thats why we need innovative ideas to deal with this.
Come on EB2, EB3 - US MAsters, US Phds, EB1s , scientists, doctors, engineers, consultants, and all those ivy leagures - can you use your IQ and brains to help wiith these issues? Please post some ideas here.

07-23 06:32 PM
hi fruity..
we have the same concerns regarding the ds230 approval..
anyway, i just wanna ask about what you said earlier.. is it true that there are some August scheduled embassy interviews being cancelled? what did those people you know exactly said about this?
hear from you.. thanx
Yeah, PD is April 2005 EB3ROW, and its just frustrationg when you see a lot getting their approvals with a much later PD's. He was scheduled for interview in Aug. she already recieved her packet 4 when Aug vb came out and reinstated July VB. I knew that it had something to do with July vb fiasco since he got his packet 4 after July 2. There were no visas left for that time, so AUg. vb doesn't really matter.
we have the same concerns regarding the ds230 approval..
anyway, i just wanna ask about what you said earlier.. is it true that there are some August scheduled embassy interviews being cancelled? what did those people you know exactly said about this?
hear from you.. thanx
Yeah, PD is April 2005 EB3ROW, and its just frustrationg when you see a lot getting their approvals with a much later PD's. He was scheduled for interview in Aug. she already recieved her packet 4 when Aug vb came out and reinstated July VB. I knew that it had something to do with July vb fiasco since he got his packet 4 after July 2. There were no visas left for that time, so AUg. vb doesn't really matter.
07-20 04:14 PM
As per this link, there is premium processing for EAD. I think whoever needs immediate can take advantage of this instead of waitinf for months
2010 usiness letter format example

11-17 02:23 PM
One of IV members 'lazycis' (he is a knowledgable & senior member) also mentioned this, which exactly matches with what RG said:
so I am sure there are some provisions. I hope 'lazycis' will provide some more info if he sees this post.
Edit: Chandu - please click this link to read on RG's forums. (
Pardon my ignorance, but is this something we can ask clarification from CIS Ombudsman? Its real confusing:confused:
Some updates: I talked to two different lawyers and both advised differently on this issue. In fact I got the impression that one of them didn't have much clue as much as some experienced IV members have. (He said if job titles are different than you have issues...) There are many people hanging on to their current employer due to confusion on this issue and potential effect on pending GC.
and the great question continues to haunt: can a person keep working legally on EAD status if his/hers I-485 gets revoked in error by CIS? or he will be forced to resign from a new job when his MTR is being filed or in progress??? This is really killing me. Who has the answer? if anyone knows, please please share!
lazycis, chanduv - anyone to comment on above new information???
so I am sure there are some provisions. I hope 'lazycis' will provide some more info if he sees this post.
Edit: Chandu - please click this link to read on RG's forums. (
Pardon my ignorance, but is this something we can ask clarification from CIS Ombudsman? Its real confusing:confused:
Some updates: I talked to two different lawyers and both advised differently on this issue. In fact I got the impression that one of them didn't have much clue as much as some experienced IV members have. (He said if job titles are different than you have issues...) There are many people hanging on to their current employer due to confusion on this issue and potential effect on pending GC.
and the great question continues to haunt: can a person keep working legally on EAD status if his/hers I-485 gets revoked in error by CIS? or he will be forced to resign from a new job when his MTR is being filed or in progress??? This is really killing me. Who has the answer? if anyone knows, please please share!
lazycis, chanduv - anyone to comment on above new information???

06-20 01:16 PM
Yes, maybe we try for pre-approved labor before July end?
what on earth is that supposed to be?
what on earth is that supposed to be?
hair +usiness+letter+format+

08-13 05:01 PM
Have you given a thought or spoken to a lawyer about starting EB2 PERM when your EB3 140 is pending? After your EB2 PERM is approved, you have 6 months before interfiling your EB2 140 with your EB3 PD. I think that is long enough for your EB3 140 too be approved.
AFAIK, this can be done with little or no risk to your EB3.
Yes, but my current company is not willing to file a second EB2 case for me.
AFAIK, this can be done with little or no risk to your EB3.
Yes, but my current company is not willing to file a second EB2 case for me.
03-19 05:12 AM
Myths About Homeownership - Freddie Mac (
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04-30 02:38 PM
Can somebody post the link please?
Need real player
Need real player
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12-02 03:15 PM
So I had another set of soft LUDs on my approved 140, 485, approved EAD and approved AP today. This was the 4th LUD on my 485 and the 3rd LUD on the rest of the applications in the past week, and I was losing my mind worrying about receiving a denial or an RFE just before my trip abroad, leaving me with not enough time to respond to the RFE.
So I decided to call Customer Service, and after trying a million options on the voice prompt I finally managed to reach the Nebraska Service Center.
Upon inquiring about the LUDs with no status change, I was told that it was triggered due to the attorney name change and address change. My address that they had on file was also an old one, from 2 years ago. I have since moved, and done the online AR15 thing and received my EAD at the new address, so I'm not sure why/how the system showed the old address. But anyway, the lady on the phone was kind enough to change it to the new address. I didn't bother asking her if they had received the AC21 letter, I wasn't going to take the risk of having to argue with someone on the phone that switching employers is allowed under the AC21 law, etc. I was just happy to find out that the G28N had processed successfully and that I didn't have to expect a denial or RFE at least in the near future.
Apologies for the long post, but I thought that my tale might help someone that is getting anxious over a similar situation.
So I decided to call Customer Service, and after trying a million options on the voice prompt I finally managed to reach the Nebraska Service Center.
Upon inquiring about the LUDs with no status change, I was told that it was triggered due to the attorney name change and address change. My address that they had on file was also an old one, from 2 years ago. I have since moved, and done the online AR15 thing and received my EAD at the new address, so I'm not sure why/how the system showed the old address. But anyway, the lady on the phone was kind enough to change it to the new address. I didn't bother asking her if they had received the AC21 letter, I wasn't going to take the risk of having to argue with someone on the phone that switching employers is allowed under the AC21 law, etc. I was just happy to find out that the G28N had processed successfully and that I didn't have to expect a denial or RFE at least in the near future.
Apologies for the long post, but I thought that my tale might help someone that is getting anxious over a similar situation.
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04-30 03:00 PM
We dont need EAD And AP if they process 485 in 6 months or less
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08-23 11:06 AM
No dear friend...what if you are already inside this country and waiting for 10 years. Even if you become a manager in these companies, you wont be eligible as you had to have at least one year outside the country. So progressing not going to help. How about a person who is less qualified, less experienced getting GC in six months when you wait for 5-10 years. Its not about jealous, its about fairness and justice. Dont bring in EB2-EB3 here. We are all in this sh*&t togather.
At the end of the day what matters is you have an option open via this route. It is your personal choice if you would rather wait here 10 years or work in your home country for 1 year. Why shut a door that's meant for you? Opportunity is very hard to come by
At the end of the day what matters is you have an option open via this route. It is your personal choice if you would rather wait here 10 years or work in your home country for 1 year. Why shut a door that's meant for you? Opportunity is very hard to come by
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12-10 07:28 PM
I left old job 10 months before July 07. But attorney at new employer did mistake with advertisement, and PERM got rejected. Applied again, and USCIS audited all Fragomen cases, so mine stuck there attorney being Fragomen. By then July 07 was gone. In Sept 08 again my PD (Nov 05) was current but I was stuck with Audit.... Finally I got PERM approved, 140 approved, but since then NOV 05 is far far away....
I think with a little luck you may cross the line this year, it maybe a close shave or a diving effort, all the best and best wishes. Maybe 2010 is the year for you.
I think with a little luck you may cross the line this year, it maybe a close shave or a diving effort, all the best and best wishes. Maybe 2010 is the year for you.
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07-18 05:39 PM
Both me and My wife were really impressed by the excellent work IV has done and achieved. I have made a contribution (albeit small) in the past, and will very much like to sign up for recurring contributions. We pledge to contribute $50 monthly as soon as my Wife gets her EAD. We were intending to signup for $20/month right away, to upgrade to $50/month on getting her EAD but I do not see that option anymore.
Anyways, my pledge still stands effective on the day we receive my wife's EAD.
Anyways, my pledge still stands effective on the day we receive my wife's EAD.
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06-06 04:33 PM
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09-11 04:56 PM
thank you saikatmandal.
06-11 10:02 PM
I mean Hara Aam jada dena bhaiya , pichlee baar kam tha;)
hara aam jaada khaoge to gas ho jayega. waise hi bahut gas hai paadu sucksena ko.
hara aam jaada khaoge to gas ho jayega. waise hi bahut gas hai paadu sucksena ko.
04-12 03:40 PM
I have read online that S-corp is better than LLC. Is that true?
Below is some info that I have collected:
Anyone who is planning to do business within the State of Maryland, using a name other than their own personal name, must register with the state of Maryland ( - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government ( ). If your business is a sole proprietorship, you do not need to register your business with the state.
For help selecting a legal structure for your business, visit our Business Incorporation ( - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government ( guide.
Your choices include sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, "S" corporation or limited liability corporation (LLC). Personal liability, taxes, paperwork and regulations vary greatly among the different legal business structures. Your attorney and accountant will play a key role in assisting you in this important decision.
C Corp will be double taxation. While S corp is not.
The profit earned thru C Corp can be taken out by the owner of the company. But he has to pay 15% tax.
What company to start - LLC (or) C- Corp. In our non-immigrant view, this is the difference - Under LLC, your company A's financial profit/loss etc will appear on your tax return. In other words, when you are out there at the consulate requesting a visa (or) for any other purpose and the officer asks for your tax return, there is a likelihood that the officer will ask you about all those financial records in the tax return.. and you will have to explain about your company which could lead to some other questions - what company and who are the employees etc etc ??
Under C- corp - it is like investing in the stock market. It will show that you have invested in a company stock and that company has paid you dividends. Period. So personally i prefer C-corp... there will be less questions in the future. I donot know if i'am right or wrong. Professionals out there can correct me if i'am wrong.
Now for the real differences - Under C-corp, you will be taxed twice - (ie) The company makes profit and there is a tax on that. Now the company divides the profit and gives it to its owners (you), and you get taxed for the dividends. bottomline - if C-corp, then it is like investing in the stock market.
Under LLC - the company profit's trickle down to your profits and you pay taxes only once.
Below is some info that I have collected:
Anyone who is planning to do business within the State of Maryland, using a name other than their own personal name, must register with the state of Maryland ( - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government ( ). If your business is a sole proprietorship, you do not need to register your business with the state.
For help selecting a legal structure for your business, visit our Business Incorporation ( - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government ( guide.
Your choices include sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, "S" corporation or limited liability corporation (LLC). Personal liability, taxes, paperwork and regulations vary greatly among the different legal business structures. Your attorney and accountant will play a key role in assisting you in this important decision.
C Corp will be double taxation. While S corp is not.
The profit earned thru C Corp can be taken out by the owner of the company. But he has to pay 15% tax.
What company to start - LLC (or) C- Corp. In our non-immigrant view, this is the difference - Under LLC, your company A's financial profit/loss etc will appear on your tax return. In other words, when you are out there at the consulate requesting a visa (or) for any other purpose and the officer asks for your tax return, there is a likelihood that the officer will ask you about all those financial records in the tax return.. and you will have to explain about your company which could lead to some other questions - what company and who are the employees etc etc ??
Under C- corp - it is like investing in the stock market. It will show that you have invested in a company stock and that company has paid you dividends. Period. So personally i prefer C-corp... there will be less questions in the future. I donot know if i'am right or wrong. Professionals out there can correct me if i'am wrong.
Now for the real differences - Under C-corp, you will be taxed twice - (ie) The company makes profit and there is a tax on that. Now the company divides the profit and gives it to its owners (you), and you get taxed for the dividends. bottomline - if C-corp, then it is like investing in the stock market.
Under LLC - the company profit's trickle down to your profits and you pay taxes only once.
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